
Day 1: Paris

After leaving Dallas at 9pm, we arrived in Paris the next day at 1pm local time. One of the things that I’ve found helpful on long, international flights is an app called Timeshifter. You give it your flight details about 3 days in advance, and it builds a plan for you to shift your sleeping and waking hours in order to beat jet lag. For the most part, it works. Usually, I have trouble sleeping on planes, but I was able to get at least 4 hours of sleep on this flight. And while I wasn’t 100% on this first day in Paris, I was still able to function well enough to enjoy dinner.

La Maison Rose restaurant
Tonight’s dinner location

For dinner tonight, Raphael got us reservations at La Maison Rose. Raphael can probably tell you more about the history of this place–the artists and such that used to frequent it. But for me, it was probably the first, proper French restaurant in France that we’ve been to. You see, on our 2018 France trip, Raphael was all about maximizing the time for sight-seeing and we did not make any dinner reservations. That’s changed on this trip: Tomorrow we’re going to The Ritz for brunch!

After dinner, we walked through the Montmartre neighborhood where the restaurant is located. On a Saturday night, I would have expected to see a little bit more activity, but you can see that it is a little desolate at 8:30-9pm when these photos where taken.

It’s about 10pm now as I write this. We’re going to bed and will wake up in the morning when our bodies tell us it’s time. Goodnight.