
Day 2: Paris

Today was our first full-day in Paris, and the highlight was having brunch at The Ritz. Not only was the food amazing, but the service was impeccable.

Our last trip didn’t afford us much time to shop, so we also took advantage of the beautiful weather today to go shopping. We love to seek out local fashion trends and designers when we travel, because it’s great being able to come back home and wear clothes that are unique and not easily found in the United States. While high-end department stores are just about dead at home, abroad the experience is alive and well.

Shopping mall
Galleries Lafayette

Galleries Lafayette (above) is probably one of the most beautiful shopping malls that I’ve been to. It’s actually more like a department store with individual departments–everything from men’s and women’s wear to infant to toys and souvenirs. And restaurants too!

For dinner, we went to Trocadéro and had dinner at a café. Since it was Sunday and getting late, our options were a little more limited, but the food (and dessert) was good. Afterwards, I took some night time photos with my big camera, but those will take some time to edit so I will have to post them later.

It’s getting late here (past midnight). Tomorrow, we have lunch reservations and then we have a four-hour private tour of the city in the afternoon.